a study in the mundane / by paige harte-rivera VOL. 4 | FIRE 2021



These days, fire season is a devastating time in many parts of the world. Wildfires are a natural occurrence, but with climate change, deforestation and urban sprawl, to name a few, the summers bring a looming cloud of destruction and fear. Even the waters are burning.

So, how can we take care of each other and the earth? In Feng Shui, this time of year is ruled by the fire element. Fire supports our reputation, legacy, how the world sees us - as individuals and professionals. How do we impact one another? What will our mark be on this world? We know that our actions have a ripple effect, but how much do we really consider this? From the way we speak to one another, or gossip about others when they are not around, to what we buy and consume on a daily basis.

Parts of the world are opening back up. As we begin to re-emerge, will you go back to old ways? What did you learn over the last year? How will you take those lessons with you and incorporate them into your life as you move forward?

From all this, my friends, there arises an insight which the poet must learn through other people. There is no insurmountable solitude. All paths lead to the same goal : to convey to others what we are. And we must pass through solitude and difficulty, isolation and silence, in order to reach forth to the enchanted place where we can dance our clumsy dance and sing our sorrowful song—but in this dance or in this song there are fulfilled the most ancient rites of our conscience in the awareness of being human and of believing in a common destiny.

Toward the Splendid City: Nobel Lecture by Pablo Neruda

fallen flamboyante.jpeg


Clear Vision. Inspiring. Kind. Sprawling. Light. Mid-Summer.

When in balance, fire regenerates the earth. It leaves its mark but with a very explicit, healing purpose.

How do you walk in this world?

On an individual level, the fire element supports our vision, clarity & inspiration. How the world sees us.

Do we take care of our neighbors? Are we kind to those we interact with? Our actions spread as we move about our daily lives. Sparks catch flame each step of the way.

So, again, how do you move on this earth?

Fire dancing. A beautiful sight. Mesmerizing. Climbing higher.

But, it can be all consuming, if you don’t pay attention.

So, start to pay attention.



BEESWAX CANDLES : all-natural candles that help purify the air & look beautiful.

EVENING STROLL : take a walk in the early evenings. notice the energy coming from different homes, the streets, plants, animals. say hello to the people you pass - your neighbors.


Reputation. Yang Energy. Digestion. Clarity. Expressiveness.

In the home, fire is represented by the color red, heat, light, actual fire. The fire element protects us from defamation and helps spread our name with good fortune, when in-balance.


Notice what you put out in the world. What you receive in return. I am not saying, “everything happens for a reason; you’re doing something wrong, and that’s why you don’t have what you want.” No.

I’m talking about Deep Listening. Understanding your truth. And, then, taking action in order to receive what you want. This is about our participation. Are you receiving what you are putting out there? And, if not, take a look and ask why.


Catch yourself when gossiping about others. What if the other person could hear you - would you be saying it to their face? If someone is triggering you, write it out with a pen & paper. Ask yourself if you’ve felt this emotion before. Write down all the times you have felt this way. Any patterning here? What do you need in order for this emotion to be released? In a controlled & safe manner, burn your writings, freeing whatever it is you need to let go of in the fire.

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