a study in the mundane / by paige harte-rivera VOL. 9 | HEALTH 2022



The deeper I get into this work, the more I see the interconnectedness of all things. And if everything is connected, then it’s important to understand how things relate to one another, in order to create balance through adjustments when necessary.

The body is a beautiful vessel to experience this connectivity with, and so, I’ve been playing around with an experiment on myself. I have an active mind & a sensitive constitution which take control when I’m not listening. Over the last month, I have been cleansing out things that bring me out of my “normal” state. For me, that’s social media, alcohol, cannabis & caffeine. No caffeine lasted a week, so I cut my portion in half. Some days that still feels like too much, and so it’s up to me to modify that amount or not ~ if I choose not to and it’s affecting me negatively, then I want to examine why I’m not listening. It’s another layer, another way of understanding myself and deciphering the information that I receive. I am noticing that a big part of this cleanse is releasing a story I’ve created on how my life should look. And, if I move to disrupt that, I have to let go of caring how the outside world will view me.

Health looks different for everyone, as it should since we are all unique.

My intention with this experiment is to cultivate more presence. At its core, that’s what my work is really about. How we can live in the present moment more often. Because in this moment lies all the answers we need to know right now. It’s a wrestle to overcome the mind which can so easily bring us into the future or take us back to the past. That’s where a clear, connected body comes into play. This body that holds us from one moment to another. It houses our senses which help us experience the connections in a very tangible way. And in the connections, in this presence, lies our authentic self. The unseen layers of it all. The more we practice, the deeper it integrates & carries us into the next moment, when that moment is ready to come.

My view of “having it all together” is be-ing your whole self, as you are then Free of armor and not trying so very, very hard to appear that you have it all together to the external world. Be-ing naked in your whole self is a rarity within this world that hopefully will become more of the norm in times to come. That starts with you.

None of you has it “all together” and you are all together in that. Thus, have a bit more compassion and humility for yourselves. And respect for those that do not pretend.

The Freedom Transmissions, YESHUA as channeled by Carissa Schumacher


Earth is foundational. She will hold you your entire life. The ground on which you stand that supports the planet, connecting us all. She provides the food we eat and contains the water we drink.

Health sits in the center of the Feng Shui map. It is equal parts Yin + Yang. It is balance. It is connection. How one thing affects another.

Our healing practices are what we turn to in order to maintain balance. Some need to be done daily, others are pulled out in case of emergencies. The things that keep us grounded, because so much is out of our control.

The earth’s health is suffering. Her symptoms show themselves daily. How is that reflected within your own landscape? Your body, your container, your world. It’s the same thing, just a different scale, another lens. It’s too big of a task for you to heal the entire world, but you can take responsibility for yourself.

Health has a wide spectrum ~ physical form, mental, spiritual, emotional, internal + external wellbeing. They all ask for some sort of attention. And, if everything is connected, then you already know that one affects the other ~ whether in balance or not ~ which in turn, ripples out. Your world affects mine & vice versa.

Will my cleanse last forever? Probably not. But, at least for now, it’s allowing me the space to see where I need to make some adjustments and set new boundaries. Space so I can listen deeper, get to know it more, nurture it & see what grows.



CONNECT : tend to your garden, take a walk in nature, play with an animal ~ how do you interact with the world? these interactions will help strengthen your presence + build an understanding of your connection.

SIMPLIFY : i laid out what my simplification process looks like for me right now. that will change and adjust as i do. what does this process look like for you? what needs to be weeded out, so you can be here now. a little guidance to help you live simply, move gently & eat well.

FRESH START : first thing in the morning, with your feet planted on the ground, close your eyes. sweep your arms up, inhale, draw your shoulders down, exhale, bring your arms by your side. repeat this 9 times, and if you lose count, begin again. connect with your breath, your feet on the floor, the air touching your skin. start your day with a little smile & a moment of gratitude. movement to clear your body / mind / spirit ~ to connect. again & again.


Earthy tones ~ think browns, pinks, yellows, oranges & terra cotta. Made of Earth. Wooden objects, furniture, floorings & walls. Earth can come into the home in so many ways ~ through stone, ceramic objects and natural fibers, like linen, silk & cotton. Please do your best & source responsibly.

Earth supports health, connection with Self and love.

House Play turns one today :)

This work came together when I started making decisions from my intuition. Over the course of about a year, I saw myself going through the 5 Phases. I learned quickly that this work is much greater than I am, and if I’m going to teach it, then I need to practice it every day, every moment. It’s not easy. I have a long way to go, but I am grateful that the work holds me accountable in more ways than I could imagine ~ maybe more than I’d like! But, it is teaching me how to exist in this world as myself & to love myself far deeper than I have experienced before. And, I do believe that in taking care of myself, it will help me better care for my loved ones, community & world.

Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. My clients who I have been so fortunate to work with ~ one of which has been with me for over a year, since before House Play officially launched! For all of you who have emailed to say that my words resonate with you, have followed on Insta (I’ll be back soon), purchased the 5 Phases & Mindful Eating, or simply supported me from afar ~ it means a great deal.

xx. P

let’s work together