a study in the mundane / by paige harte-rivera VOL. 7 | METAL 2021



The metal element carries us into early winter. If you recall, metal supports joy & creativity, but in this time of year, it’s more about communication & expansion.

I’m really interested in the different ways we receive information. It’s fascinating that so many cultures used to communicate through telepathy. I think we still do, to some degree - you know when you’re thinking about someone and then they call or text you, seemingly out of the blue. We’re still capable of the powers our ancestors used in daily life. We just don’t access them, or realize it when we are.

Information comes in many forms. When we become more aware, we are able to decipher what is coming our way with more discernment and grace.

I had been receiving messages via ailments in my body for about two weeks. I heard them, but didn’t really do anything to address it. They culminated over the weekend, leaving me in bed & miserable. Through a feverish dream, I woke up with the clear message : Allow yourself to fully arrive. I had been receiving this message over & over, but not listening until it slapped me down so I could hear it loud & clear.

The messages are all around. Hopefully we can catch them & take action before we are forced to.

I think the more we tune-in & stretch ourselves, the deeper we go & develop our own lens. Our point of view widens and our perspective shifts. We understand our processes & how we can evolve ourselves further. We become more aware. Because, that’s what this is really about - building our awareness, so we can be present.

Allowing ourselves to fully arrive.

Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings.

Elizabeth Gilbert


Communication. Helpful People. Travel. Expansion. Discernment. Actualization. Vision.

Think about when you travel to a new place, or when someone you deeply connect with comes into your life. Your viewpoint changes. Inspiration, perspective & hope widens.

Our life expands.

Metal can be raw or refined.
When in balance, it is sharp & decisive, yet open to change. Helpful people come into our lives. We’re able to make our dreams a reality.

When you put your intentions into motion through action, you set yourself up to receive. We’ve been paving the way to get to this point, laying down the groundwork. Are you communicating clearly & getting the aid you need? Are you able to see what you want & then draw it in?

When you begin to understand how you communicate with the world, you learn how things come into your life. Ask for what you need. And, if you don’t know what you need, ask to be shown. See what comes through. Observe how it arrives & how it feels.

Building awareness around our ways brings understanding to our patterns. And, when we see our patterning, we can move to disrupt them.



TELL THEM : express your gratitude to those that have helped you in life.

REFLECT : write down all your accomplishments from this past year. congratulate yourself for all the big & all the small. reflect on where & what you want to devote more of yourself to.

COMFORT ZONE : extend yourself. do one thing this month that challenges you to walk through a fear you have.


Round Shapes. White, Grey & Metallic Colors. Actual Metal.

Metal supports communication, helpful people, creativity, joy, travel & children. Take care of the metal in your home to strengthen these areas.


support small businesses or !! don’t buy at all !!

the holidays can be triggering for many. look at how you are participating. maybe don’t. take a break & go for a walk.

challenge yourself to use only local foods for your holiday meals. do your shopping at a small grocer / farmers’ market + wine shop.

embrace the ones you love or create new ones. i make persimmon pudding to honor my grammy. i haven’t found persimmons in oaxaca, so i’ll be trying it with zapote this year.

happy holidays to you all <3

let’s work together