a study in the mundane / by paige harte-rivera VOL. 3 | MONEY 2021



Last month, I talked about creating space. During this phase, you will probably realize how much stuff you have. It’s astonishing what we accumulate over time! Once you go through this part of the process, take a moment, slow down and notice your creation - there is luxury here; an awakening that grows because it now has room to do so. Relish in the stillness.

Now, ask yourself, what are you spending your money on? Is it something you really need, that you truly love? So often we consume to fill a void. Get inquisitive with yourself. You can generate an ability to see more clearly when you become aware of your actions and daily habits.

What does money mean to you? Is it opulence? Freedom? Security? Is it fleeting or is it abundant?

If we’re talking about money, it’s imperative that we discuss our responsibilities as consumers. To me, being a conscious consumer means that you are highly selective with what you spend your money on: what you eat, the clothes you wear, the products you use, how they’re packaged & how they get to you. It all matters. I do understand that in our world today, quality is often priced as luxury. But, most of the time, we have a choice where & what we spend our money on. In general, I think we are buying too much. And, I don’t think that we are buying wisely. If we shift our priorities, we can collectively do a better job in our spending. Support companies that have ethical practices, but also stop and think about what you are consuming and why. How many paper towels & plastic wrap do you use in a month? What could you swap instead that is less wasteful? Do you have clothes in your closet that still have the price tags on? All these things ripple, one way or another, positive or negative, out of our homes and into the world. There is a lot to consider, and it takes time to research, but it’s possible and crucial to our planet’s survival. As an individual, you can support the planet on a daily basis depending on how and where you spend your money.

Imagine if we had a food system that actually produced wholesome food. Imagine if it produced that food in a way that restored the land. Imagine if we could eat every meal knowing these few simple things: What it is we’re eating. Where it came from. How it found its way to our table. And what it really cost. If that was the reality, then every meal would have the potential to be a perfect meal... But we can change the way we make and get our food so that it becomes food again—something that feeds our bodies and our souls. Imagine it: Every meal would connect us to the joy of living and the wonder of nature. Every meal would be like saying grace.

The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan



Abundance. Maturation. Late Spring. Early Summer. Change.

We are still in the Wood Element, but it is growing & maturing. Think dark, deep greens and shades of purple. Here, Wood supports long-term abundance.

How do we grow and evolve with the changes that come our way? Indecisiveness & old temptations can creep in as growth occurs. Remember your intention. What you are rooted in.

Money isn’t the end all be all, but we do need it to participate in this society.

What does money mean to you? What supports you?

If you’re just starting here, you’ll break. You have to begin with a solid foundation. Go back and build your way up. I’m not talking about climbing the ladder society has built. I’m talking about creating security within - your truth will give you the ability to continue growing.



IN-PERSON SHOPPING : Too soon? Maybe for some. But, if you can do this safely, please support as many local businesses as possible, rather than getting everything delivered.

MILK IT : I am kicking myself that this is new for me, but I recently started making my own nut milk for smoothies. It’s the easiest thing, saves money, wasteful packaging, it’s fun and healthier! Soak 1 cup of nuts overnight in water. Strain. Add about 5 cups fresh water, nuts, honey & salt to a blender. Blend for a minute or two. Strain the milk, through cheesecloth or a nut milk bag, into a container & store in the fridge.

INVESTIGATE : Get to know the products you buy on a regular basis. Research the ingredients & companies. Is there something in it that makes you uneasy or you’re unsure of? Are there small, local producers you can support rather than conglomerates? Find products that align with you.


New Beginnings. Family. Growth. Money. Plentiful. Ripening. Expansive.

In the home, the Wood Element is represented by “growing” wood / plants. Shades of green. Rectangular shapes. Wood supports family, everyday expenses & long-term wealth, beginning again, expansion & abundance. Do you need to adjust any of these areas? How can you strengthen Wood in your house?



In shedding what no longer serves us, we become more aware of what needs our attention. Now, we know what needs healing.

Look deeper to see what you’re really seeking when consuming. Are you trying to fill a hole somewhere? Maybe something else needs love and support. Where do you find security and abundance within, rather than seeking it outside of yourself.

Pause before buying and really consider what it is you’re bringing into your home. What you are draping over your body. What you are ingesting. Do these things feed your highest good, and in turn, others’?


Choose a day once a week where you don’t spend any money. Play an inquisitive game with yourself. The next week, don’t order anything online. Go out and do all your shopping yourself (masked, please). Can you buy all your food from local producers?

If you crave consumption, write it out. Ask yourself why. Can you fulfill that desire to spend with some sort of self-care, instead?

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